Category Archives: vbug

2009 in Brief

A look back at some of the North East Tech events, meetings and conferences going on in 2009. Continue reading

Posted in North East Telly, barcampne, cloud camp, codeworks, conference, culturebites, digital marketing debates, featured, outdoor activities, supermonday, tedx, thinking digital, thursdayfizz, vbug | 16 Comments

A bit of a Microsoft thing

I’m not sure if this is something that I should be saying out loud (or if any of my design friends will ever talk to be again if i do), but i really quite like windows 7, so much in fact I went along to a Vbug (at Newcastle Uni) last week to meet the Microsoft team and learn a bit talk about desktop optimization and windows 7.
Jonathon Noble told me about Vbug a while ago, but i this was the first time i’d managed to get along to one, and i have to say i had a great night… Continue reading

Posted in featured, operating system, services, universities and training bodies, vbug | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments